Join the conversation!

Would you like to be able to ask other parents for ideas on handling certain parenting challenges? Are you willing to share your parenting wisdom? If so, please join the Priceless Parenting discussion group!

Preschool Teachers and Child Care Providers:

You play a critical role in raising children and deal with challenging behavior on a daily basis. If you'd like to post questions to other professionals and are willing to share your knowledge, please sign up for the discussion forum's subgroup for preschool teachers and child care providers.

How does it work?

The forum is hosted on BigTent so when you register you'll get a BigTent account. It does not cost anything to join.

BigTent has a rich set of features including:
  • Posting questions, answering questions, searching through questions
  • Ability to control how you hear about new messages - web only, email - messages or daily digest
  • Adding family information and pictures if desired (I've even added pictures of our dog and cat!)
  • Deciding who can see what information
I hope you will join the conversation!

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