Warnings About the Troubled Teen Industry

Is your teen presenting extremely challenging behavior? If you feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to help your teen, getting professional help is wise.

You love your children and want the best for them. Taking parenting classes can certainly prepare you for handling typical teen challenges. However, sometimes parents and caregivers turn to residential treatment programs designed for troubled teens. This is a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States with very little regulation.  The lack of regulation has led to serious abuse and even death of teens.  

Unsilenced.org is exposing some of the serious problems within the troubled teen industry.  Watch this video for a brief overview of the issues.  

Fostering Growth using the Mentoring Parenting Style

What is your normal parenting style?  Do you give your kids orders?  Do you do a lot of things for them that they are capable of doing thems...