Lessening Advertising’s Impact On Kids Spending Money

Are your kids begging you to buy things? If so, the marketers are being effective in teaching your children one of the best ways to get you to break down and buy it - beg! Advertisers teach kids to beg because they've proven begging works.

You also may be unintentionally fueling more begging by giving in to it. One mom realized she contributed to her daughter feeling entitled. She didn’t want to deprive her daughter so ended up buying her what she wanted. Soon her daughter was whining for things whenever they went shopping. Continually indulging her daughter resulted in her undesirable behavior.

Influencing Your Spending

Did you know that kids under age 12 influence the spending of 700 billion dollars per year? From the brand of macaroni and cheese to buy to where to go on vacation, children have a big say. No wonder businesses are focused on turning children into voracious consumers. 

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Using Curiosity Questions To Solve Problems

Your kids are encountering and solving problems all day long. When they are babies, they let you know they have a problem by crying. You then try to solve their discomfort by doing things like feeding them, changing their diaper, or rocking them.

The older they become the more they can solve their own problems. If you continue to solve their problems for them, they do not learn how to think through their problems on their own. They learn to rely on you instead of themselves.

How can you provide guidance without jumping in with solutions? Asking the right questions can help your children think through problems. The trick is asking helpful questions that do not feel like an interrogation!  

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The Power of "Yet"

The word 'yet' can be incredibly powerful. If your child says, "I can't do this," add the word 'yet' to the en...