Protecting Your Child from Sexual Abuse

One of a parents worst nightmares is that their child would be sexually abused.  Unfortunately, by age 18, 1 in 10 children have been sexually abused.  In 90% of the cases, the abuser is a family member or someone else known to the child.

How do you teach young children about inappropriate touch without scaring them? A great place to begin for preschoolers is by reading the book My Body Belongs to Me. It's a simple children's story with the message that if someone touches you inappropriately, tell.

Another resource for parents is the Darkness to Light website which describes 5 steps for preventing sexual abuse:
  1. Learn the facts
  2. Minimize opportunity
  3. Talk about it
  4. Recognize the signs
  5. React Responsibly

By understanding the facts and proactively talking to our children, we reduce the likelihood that they will be a sexual abuse victim.

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