Helping Kids Whose Behavior Is Not Normal

Is your child developmentally on track? It can be hard to know if you don’t have many other similarly aged children for comparison. Teachers, pediatricians, and child psychologists can provide insight based on all the other children they see.

Although all children are on a similar developmental path, they progress in their own way. Some babies are walking at 6 months and others not until 18 months. As long as your child is walking by 18 months, there is no reason for concern.

Your child’s developmental milestones can be looked at on a bell curve. Your child may excel in one area but be behind in another area. For example, maybe your child can read but doesn’t play with other kids.

Considering Your Child’s Abilities

Understanding typical developmental milestones can help you recognize when your child may need help. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has information on what most children can do at certain ages. They also tell you what to do if you are concerned about your child’s development. 

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