Hug your kids today!

Michelle Nichols has established July 21st as "Hug Your Kids Day" in honor of her son Mark who died in 1998, at age 8 1/2 years old, from brain cancer. This special day is a wonderful reminder of how precious life is. If you are lucky enough to be able to hug your child today, do it! In fact, make it daily habit; it's one habit you'll never regret.

You can learn more about Hug Your Kids Project on Michelle's website:
Hug Your Kids Today!


Dad of Divas said...

Sounds like a great day. I am currently holding (hugging) my 5 month I guess this is a great start to the day. Thanks for sharing, and I will definitely take advantage of this.

Dorothy said...

Just read this today and I understand my 17 year old son Daniel will be gone 17 years on October 4th and it's as hard today as it was when it first happened. He was killed in a car accident.

My prayers and thoughts...

Dorothy from grammology

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