Taking Parental Responsibility to Avoid Huge Problems

Have you ever been in a home where the kids are calling the shots instead of the parents? A home like this feels chaotic and out of control. When kids are in the driver’s seat instead of the parents, there is an emphasis on short-term pleasure without much consideration for long-term consequences.

These parents have not intentionally set out to turn over their leadership role to their kids. It has happened gradually. Parents might be exhausted or overwhelmed. When their kids’ pitch fits, the parents give in to get a little peace. Kids quickly learn what works to get what they want.

Experiencing Real Problems

You have expectations for how your kids will behave. Some kids are more difficult to parent due to how often they fail to meet expectations. Sometimes parents drop their expectations or give in to their kids’ demands. 

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The Power of "Yet"

The word 'yet' can be incredibly powerful. If your child says, "I can't do this," add the word 'yet' to the en...