Shaming Kids is Hurtful, Not Helpful

Sometimes parents or teachers turn to shaming kids in order to try to get them to improve their behavior. They may say things like:
  • Shame on you!
  • You should know better than that.
  • What were you thinking? 
  • Everyone else is doing what they are supposed to be doing, why can’t you?
  • You’re a bad boy!
Shaming kids makes them feel bad about themselves. Shame researcher BrenĂ© Brown defines shame as “the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging”.

The biggest problem with using shame as a way to try to change kids’ behavior is that it destroys the part of them that believes they are capable of changing. A much better approach is to describe the child’s behavior and then guide the child to fixing the problems caused by this behavior. For example, “You’ve left candy wrappers on the couch.” or “You hit him and now he is crying.” Focusing on your children’s behavior instead of your children’s character, will help them make better choices in the future.

DANCE Parenting Classes - 3 week class starts June 3rd

Parenting is a dance you do with your kids. If you don't like their moves, take this class and learn how to change your lead!

Discover your children's strengths and increase their competence

Aim for high expectations based on your children's developmental level

Notice misbehavior and respond with reasonable, valuable consequences

Control your reaction to stressful parenting situations

Enjoy your children and take time to renew yourself
parents dancing with little daughter

Priceless Parenting classes are grounded on decades of positive parenting experiences from real life situations and backed by the latest scientific research in child development. The DANCE Parenting Class combines the powerful online parenting classes with discussion and questions/answers with the class author, Kathy Slattengren, M.Ed.

Space is limited. Register today for one of these classes.

Register by Monday May 27 for $199 $149!

Yes! I want to join this parenting class. I understand that I will get:
  • 11 audio/video parenting lessons, June 3rd - June 24th
  • Interaction with the instructor, Kathy Slattengren, on each lesson
  • Certificate of Completion for 10 hours upon finishing the course and filling out a questionnaire
  • Participation in weekly conference calls
  • I can share this course with my spouse or partner
  • BONUS: a signed copy of the book How to Parent In Ways That Are Truly Helpful, Not Hurtful 
Learn more and register for one of these classes:

I hope you are able to join me!

     Kathy Slattengren, M. Ed.
     President, Priceless Parenting

P.S. If you know someone who might enjoy taking this class, please do me a favor and share this with them.

Responding to Misbehavior with Fight or Flight versus Pause and Plan

How do you feel when your kids misbehave? When I ask parents this question during classes, the most common responses are feelings of anger, frustration and discouragement.

If you're like most parents, when your kids misbehave you experience powerful, negative feelings. If you choose to act in the moment, you are likely to come up with your worst parenting responses. You may find yourself:
  • Yelling at your kids - "I'm never taking you here again!" (even though you probably will be going back to the grocery store at some point)
  • Threatening them - "I'll just leave you here!" (even though it is actually against the law to abandon your kids at McDonalds)
  • Saying things you soon regret and they don't forget - "You are a disgrace to our family!" (even though you really don't mean it)
  • Hitting them (even though you swore you'd never do that)
angry mom
Ouch! Why are these types of responses so easy to fall into?

Responding with Fight or Flight

When you get upset with your kids, your body is triggered into a fight or flight response.

(Read the rest of the article on Priceless Parenting)

Using Punishment Versus Discipline for Misbehavior

Punishment and discipline represent two very different beliefs about how to best respond to children's misbehavior. Punishment focuses on suffering or pain as retribution, versus discipline that focuses on natural or logical consequences. With discipline it isn’t the severity of the consequence but rather the certainty that matters.

Priceless Parenting focuses on using discipline for misbehavior with the goal to help children learn from their mistakes. Eventually this discipline will come from inside your children so that when you’re not around they are still making good choices.

If you'd like to show your support for not hitting kids, please print and sign this pledge to never hit kids. Feel free to print copies for friends, family and teachers too!

If you want to learn more about how to use discipline with your children, check out our online parenting classes.

Could it be autism?

Autism now effects one in 88 children. Researchers are trying to figure out the factors behind the increase in the rate of autism. While parents, child care providers and doctors are more vigilantly looking for possible signs of autism in their children.

For those not intimately familiar with autism, the line between normal and autistic behavior can be hard to see. The Autism Speaks organization has put together a series of videos showing normal child behavior and autistic child behavior in these areas:
  • Social interaction
  • Communication
  • Repetitive behaviors and restricted interests
  • Regulatory and sensory systems
The videos are well done with accompanying explanations about the child's behavior. There are also videos showing treatments used in helping autistic children. You will need to create a login to access the Autism Spectrum Disorders Video Glossary.

The Power of "Yet"

The word 'yet' can be incredibly powerful. If your child says, "I can't do this," add the word 'yet' to the en...