Priceless Parenting Blog
The Power of "Yet"

Fostering Growth using the Mentoring Parenting Style
Your parenting approach plays a significant role in your children's development. Read "Fostering Growth using the Mentoring Parenting Style" to learn more.
Sugared Cereal Is Not Healthy For Kids
Did you know that sugared cereals have more sugar per serving than frosted cakes or donuts? Yikes!
Dr. Michael Greger's article, "Are Fortified Children’s Breakfast Cereals Just Candy" statesWarnings About the Troubled Teen Industry
Is your teen presenting extremely challenging behavior? If you feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to help your teen, getting professional help is wise.
You love your children and want the best for them. Taking parenting classes can certainly prepare you for handling typical teen challenges. However, sometimes parents and caregivers turn to residential treatment programs designed for troubled teens. This is a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States with very little regulation. The lack of regulation has led to serious abuse and even death of teens.
Unsilenced.org is exposing some of the serious problems within the troubled teen industry. Watch this video for a brief overview of the issues.
Protecting Kids From Social Media Harms
Create the Perfect Summer Plans for Your Family! 🗺️🚀🌟
What will your kids be doing during summer break? Plan now for fun and engaging activities that will create lasting memories for your family. Figure out how to use this unstructured time for growth rather than trouble!
Monitoring Moods Before And After Digital Activities

Do your kids enjoy spending time on digital activities like playing video games, watching videos or scrolling through Instagram? What do you notice about your kids' feelings and behavior after they've played a video game or been online?
Are they in a better mood or a worse mood? Do they feel more tired or more energized? Do they have difficulty focusing on other things, or do they seem to be able to concentrate better?
Do they get angry or frustrated at little things that would normally not bother them? When the digital activity is leading to a decrease in their well-being, it's time to make a change.
If you want help learning to set healthy limits for your kids, take a Priceless Parenting class. You’ll learn how to help your kids develop a healthy relationship with technology, and you’ll also get support from other parents who are trying to do the same thing.
The Power of "Yet"
The word 'yet' can be incredibly powerful. If your child says, "I can't do this," add the word 'yet' to the en...

The word 'yet' can be incredibly powerful. If your child says, "I can't do this," add the word 'yet' to the en...
What is your normal parenting style? Do you give your kids orders? Do you do a lot of things for them that they are capable of doing thems...
Did you know that sugared cereals have more sugar per serving than frosted cakes or donuts? Yikes! Dr. Michael Greger's article, ...